COVID-19 Protocols

The Delta variant of COVID-19 continues to impact the Richmond, Virginia region. We ask that our members take reasonable precautions and stay home if they are feeling unwell or have had close contact (as defined by the CDC) with someone who has recently tested positive.

There are advantages to wearing a mask and being vaccinated – both our priests have received FDA approved vaccines. However, neither wearing a mask nor receiving the vaccine are required to attend worship at St. Cyprian Orthodox Church. Voluntarily wearing a mask under present circumstances is certainly understood and permitted. It should not be scorned. Those in higher risk categories need to be especially cautious.

However, an alarming echo of marginalization and negative characterization is sounding forth in our society. This needs to stop at our doors. We cannot allow politics to influence the way we treat our brothers and sisters who have been made in the image of God.

On the one hand, proof of vaccination should never be required to participate in worship nor in our society. On the other hand, there should be no scorning of those who have chosen vaccination or wearing masks. When we enter through the doors of the church, we are told to “lay aside all earthly cares,” so that “in fear of God, with faith and with love, [we may] draw near” to the presence of God among us.

Orthodox Richmond

A parish of the Orthodox Church in America Diocese of the South, serving the Richmond, Virginia vicinity.

Fr. George DeTrana Memorial