Nativity - Theophany: A light unto the nations

Christ is Born!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

​Tone 6

Today He Who holds the whole creation in His hand is born of a Virgin.

He Whose essence none can touch is bound in swaddling-clothes as a mortal Man.

God, Who in the beginning fashioned the heavens, lies in a manger.

He who rained manna on His people in the wilderness is fed on milk from His mother’s breast.

The Bridegroom of the Church summons the wise men;

the Son of the Virgin accepts their gifts.

We worship Thy birth, O Christ.

We worship Thy birth, O Christ.

We worship Thy birth, O Christ.//

Show us also Thy Holy Theophany!

Today (December 31) is the Leavetaking of Nativity. Tomorrow, the eighth day, is the Circumcision of Christ, as well as St. Basil’s Day and the New Year.

Don’t worry, the fast free days remain through January 5, that being the strict fast day on the Eve of Theophany (being a weekday this year). Then, more feasting!

The uncreated God is manifest as a creature, made one with our humanity to sanctify all of creation. That is a radical statement. Try that one in multi-faith gatherings and all the hubbub about  polite holiday greetings will find the true source for contention. That statement is blasphemous for others. Such disagreement among faiths makes it reasonable to question the assertion of “same God.” When the One denied being manifest is for some of the faithful part of the Divine Essence, the difference is cavernous.

“Christ is Born! Glorify Him!” is more than a holiday greeting. It is a dogmatic statement. For this statement there are countless martyrs. “Show us Thy Holy Theophany!”

This statement, however, is not reason for animus among the peoples. There is not justification for hatred. We are to emulate the Peace of the One who is manifest. May His Peace reign in and among us. May we always be allowed to profess faith in the God Who Is Manifest - Theophany!

Orthodox Richmond

A parish of the Orthodox Church in America Diocese of the South, serving the Richmond, Virginia vicinity.

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